Monthly Archives: August 2021

A Second of Thought and Prayer

The Governor of the State of Texas, Greg Abbott, has COVID-19.  Since he is anti-vaccine and anti-mask, let us give him what he deserves: a second of our thoughts and prayers.

Okay, now please continue with the more pressing matters of your life.  Thank you for your support.


Filed under Wolf Tales

Corona is Quiet


Dogpaddling Through Life

Corona piques loudmouths
who doubt if she’s real.
They debate whether she can
be trusted to kill.
Does she prefer old folks,
or will any one do?
Can vaccines disrupt her,
or does she like them too?
Does the color of your skin
determine your fate?
Is it true she likes poor folks;
in the rich she abates?

But Corona? Corona is quiet.
She empties the roadways
and crowded bars.
She covers your mouth
in schools and cars.
She shoves tubes down your throat
to help you breathe.
she shovels the dirt when
you succumb to disease.
Corona don’t care
what your preacher thinks
as she silently weaves
through the towns and streets.

I walk with my dog
on a Saturday morn.
I converse with the birds
not quite overworn
with the sounds of cars
and giggling voices.
Today they’re silent.
This weekend is joyless.
After pretending for months

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Filed under News