Tag Archives: Al Pacino

Happy Birthday Al Pacino!


Born Alfred James Pacino in New York City in 1940, he is another one of my most favored performers. When I was in my teens and 20s, people often said I resembled him, which I considered a stretch. He actually inspired me to contemplate an acting career. But, I ended up focusing on my writing ambitions. Still, a movie with Al Pacino is never dull.

“The Godfather” (1972)


“The Godfather: Part 2” (1974)


“Dog Day Afternoon” (1975)


“Scarface” (1983)


“Glengarry Glen Ross” (1992)


“Scent of a Woman” (1992)


“Donnie Brasco” (1997)


“Stand Up Guys” (2012)


Pacino as Phil Spector

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