Tag Archives: Jonathan Mitchell

Worst Quotes of the Week – July 9, 2022

“So, why didn’t anyone raise an alarm? Well, maybe because he didn’t stand out. Maybe because there are a lot of young men in America who suddenly look and act a lot like this guy.  And of course, they’re angry. They know that their lives will not be better than their parents’. They’ll be worse. That’s all but guaranteed. They know that. They’re not that stupid.  And yet the authorities in their lives – mostly women – never stop lecturing them about their so-called privilege. ‘You’re male, you’re privileged!’”

Tucker Carlson, about the 21-year-old man charged with the mass shooting at a July 4 parade in Highland Park, Illinois

“The Highland Park shooting, unbelievable. Unbelievable.  They just passed this law, didn’t they?  18 to 21 year olds couldn’t buy rifles and all kinds of other kinds of things in this law that we told you wouldn’t matter.  They don’t matter.  And they’re not going to matter.  We’ve got a huge problem in this country and it’s a cultural decay. That’s what’s going on in this country.  Cultural decay, the decay of the civil society, the war on cops, the way that human life is viewed, whether it’s abortion, infanticide, whatever the issue.”

Mark Levin, blaming abortion for mass shootings in the U.S.

“If a constitutional right is not mentioned in the constitutional text, it doesn’t exist. I don’t care how desirable it may seem as a matter of policy.”

Jonathan Mitchell, former Texas Solicitor General and principal architect of Texas Senate Bill 8, which outlawed abortion, on targeting other Supreme Court rulings now that Roe has been overturned

Mitchell has opened a private law firm in Austin, Texas, Mitchell Law PLLC, to go after such rulings as Lawrence and Obergefell.

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